Persona 4 Does the the Chest Count Continue if You Go Another Dungeon for the Reaper

Hi all,

I couldnt decide whether i should make a new thread for this info or not.but i finally decided on posting the info here. And i know, im very late to the party ;)

Basically, there is info scattered all over the net regarding the Reaper, and none of it really accurately describes how it spawns, what affects it, resets it etc. If there was such a informative post, i would have likely saved hours messing about with the.Reaper spawning mechanics.

Anyway, i will state here a fail proof guide, but first i want to clear up the myths surrounding the Reaper spawn that i have tested myself.

* After opening 21 chests, you will hear chains, the 22nd chest MAY spawn the Reaper.

* The 22nd must be a red chest that has a chance containing a shadow. If you are lucky and the 22nd chest spawns the Reaper then in any other circumstances, that chest would have spawned a shadow!

* Opening a chest at the exact moment you hear the chains rattling DOES NOT guarantee that the Reaper will spawn from that chest (if it does and to the person who this happened, its just coincidence)!

* Gold chests will not spawn the Reaper because they cannot contain a Shadow. However, Gold chests DO NOT reset the meter as almost all players believe. ( I tested this by opening a Gold Chest as my 21st, after I could hear the chains).

* Nothing resets the meter, leaving TV world, using Goho-M etc, NOTHING. In fact, the only thing that resets the meter is opening 21 chests consecutively,

* Exiting the floor by any means while you can hear the chains resets the meter, and opening the 22nd chest resets the meter, NOTHING ELSE!!

* Engaging enemies DOES NOT affect the meter!

* The Reaper can spawn on any difficulty on any playthrough (I just spawned him on Very Easy in NG, and in my 1st dungeon, I defeated him as level 24)!! Because of this and because he takes so long to kill at this level, he may be good for farming lines for HRF, havent tested yet though.

* Doesnt matter if you have Teddy or Rise with you.

* Players are going wrong with viewing guides because the guides always states 1st 'open 20 chests'! Problem is, you dont know how many chests you have opened already so this doesnt really help other than tell what chest count is needed!

Here is my failproof Guide (it is failproof because it works no matter your chest count and doesnt assume that your count is at 0);

(Make sure you have Goho-M)

1. Enter Yukikos Castle.

2. Speedrun to Floor 5. Do not open any chests, and avoid fights if possible.

3. Use Goho-M to leave dungeon.

4. Return to entrance and save.

5. Re-Enter Yukikos Castle 1st floor.

6. IMPORTANT,.open each chest on this floor, but.each time you open a chest, listen for the Chains rattling before you open another. If you opened a chest and now hear a Chain rattling sound, dont open anymore and proceed to STEP 8. If you opened every chest and dont hear the Chains, proceed to STEP 7.

7. Press square, and return to the entrance. Now Save your game, then re-enter 1st floor and repeat STEP 6.

8. Remember how many chests you opened upon THIS visit to the 1st floor until the Chains began rattling! Did they begin rattling after you opened the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th chest? The chest the Chains began rattling after was your 21st chest!!

9. Re-load your most recent save.

10. Now you know where your chest counter is at, the 21st may be your next chest or the 18th may be your next chest. You need to save the game so that the 21st will be your NEXT chest. This may mean you already have the save you need or you may have to proceed back to 1st floor and open 1 or 2 more to get and then save (Hope thats understandable)!

11. Now with a save where you know the next chest will cause the chains to rattle, proceed to Yukikos Castle and enter at 5th floor (from the menu when you attempt to enter the Castle).

12. They are only 2 red chests on this floor and either can spawn a shadow. Basically open both chests hoping the Reaper spawns. 1st chest here will.cause Chains to rattle, 2nd chest will hopefully spawn the Reaper (which originally would have spawned a Shadow). If not reload your most recent save and repeat STEPS 11/12 until you encounter the Reaper (I believe there is approx a 20% chance of that 22nd chest on that floor spawning the Reaper, so shouldn't take you to many attempts)!

I hope that clears things up.

This game is very old now, however, there is no info with this much detail anywhere on the net that i could find so i felt this needed posting to eliminate the misconceptions regaring the Reaper spawn!!

This was really easy to experiment with and discover (im only 4hrs into the game, i have no experience at all) its a shame the TGA didnt do this before ;(. The guide he posted is not helpful at all

Thanks ;)

Edited by optimusmart


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